Farms available for Sale
Reg. No. 2006/021760/07 Cedar Point Trading 70 (PTY) LTD
Contact us to purchase your own farm. We are based in the North West Province but can assist anywhere in South Africa. Bellow are Farms we currently have on the market, if you are interested contact us today!
982,0817ha Game Farm for R9 500 000-00
982,0817 hectares game farm with 80 + Impala, 60+ Zebra, 30+ Kudu, 30 Blue wildebeest, 20+ Rib buck and several others like Bushbuck, duiker etc. Fountains all over and main source of water. Beautiful dam in the Marico river for R9 500 000-00.
988,8764ha Game Farm for R20 000 000-00
988,8764 Hectares game farm and consist of two houses, a house in the veldt, a two bedroom flat and 5 beautiful chalets. The Marico river flows through the farm and several fountains provide water to the game and the cattle on the farm. Two proper cattle handling facilities build with steel consist. On the Western part [West from the gravel road] of the farm is also developed into 8 cattle camps for grazing and a water reservoir on top of the mountain provide water to the cattle and game on that part of the farm. Kudu, Impala, Bush buck, Wart hocks, Duiker and Steenbok occur on this part, On the Eastern part of the farm, the part East from the gravel road, has more than 200 game consist of Kudu, Impala, Blue wildebeest, Giraffe, Water Buck, Bush buck, Zebra, Eland, Wart hocks, Duiker, Steenbok, etc. On this part about 60 hectares can be irrigated from the Marico River. All included for R20 000 000-00.
536,5709ha Game Farm for R14 000 000-00
A 536,5709 Hectares Game Farm with the following developments for R14 000 000-00
1. Abattoir Cooling Unit X 2 R 25 920-00
2. Freezing room Generator R 11 880-00
3. Firefighting equipment mounted on a trailer R 21 600-00
4. 30 KVA Generator R 64 000-00
5. Borehole pump and water tank R 22 680-00
6. Hunting house & Boma Lekkerruikpeul & Olienhout R 706 320-00
7. Kierrieklapper, Snuifpeul Chalets @ 50m² R 572 400-00
8. Abattoir & store & verandah R 648 000-00
9. Storage & outside buildings R 405 000-00
10. Storage closed with bricks 105m² R 378 000-00
11. Doppruim Chalet 35m² R 213 300-00
12. Kremetart Kitchen & Ablution Block 100m² R 378 000-00
13. Outside rooms & abattoir equipment R 64 800-00
14. Kremetart Kitchen equipment R 73 440-00
15. Hunting houses X 2 equipment R 129 600-00
16. Content of the 3 Chalets @ R40 000-00 R 120 000-00
17. Massey Ferguson Tractor 65 1985 R 30 000-00
18. 1 X Toyota Game Vehicle R 65 000-00
19. Main house & Verandah & swimming pool pumps R1 296 000-00
20. Content of main house & garage R 194 400-00
21. Kudu 40 R
22. Impala 220 R
23. Blue wildebeest 10 R
24. Njalas 15 R
25. 20,4 Hectares irrigation listed
26. Compensation water 50% 84 hours every 3 weeks
27. Boreholes 6 of which 4 equipped. 15 000lt; 12 000lt; 1500lt
28. Earth dams X 4
29. Sink dams X 2
30. Water tanks X 2
31. West of road 56 hectares game camp and lodges.
32. East of road 480 hectares game fenced and divided in 6 cattle camps with natural grazing.
813,9080ha Farm For R9 500 000-00
813,9080 hectares farm situated in the North West Province close to the Madikwe Game reserve. The farm is about 80% game fenced and is divided into 9 cattle camps each with water in cement cribs. One camp of 78 Ha is wired for goats. There are three steel crawls with cattle presses in each. The roads are all in a very good condition and serve as fire belts/roads. The farm is equipped with Eskom power. There are 3 boreholes. One is equipped with an electrical pump which delivers 2000 liters per hour. The borehole is strong and has remained so through the two droughts of 2012 and 2013. The other 2 boreholes are not equipped as they are not required. There is one 2 bed roomed house, with kitchen, lounge, pantry and bathroom with electricity and one smaller 2 bed roomed house with electricity as well as a Small cool room for R9 500 000-00.
394,845ha Farm close to Zeerust for R5 600 000-00
One large family house of 240.5m² with 3 medium to large bedrooms, 2 bedrooms with carpets and the third with tiles. The main bedroom has a full on-suite. Another family bathroom with a bath, basin & toilet. Large separate lounge with down lights, separate medium sized dining room with tiles and down lights and a medium sized separate family/TV room with down lights as well, Large kitchen with a lot of cupboards and a scullery for laundry and dishes. The house has 3 garages, an established garden with sprinklers, paved patio/lapa with build-in-braai. The house is secured with safety gates.
An 80m² flat with 2 medium sized bedrooms, both with cupboards and a full bathroom. Large kitchen with a lot of cupboards, dining room and a family/TV room. The apartment is secured with burglar bars.
An outside building of 52m², A 42sqm Storage building with 40m² awnings. A 42sqm Slaughter Building with a 12m² refrigerator; Outside Toilet; 292m² Closed steel storage building with a concrete floor; A 252m² sheepfold with an awning; Small Storage Building of 42m²; A 112m² ostrich camp covered with a zinc roof; 4 Workers houses 2 with water and electricity; 11 Boreholes of which 4 are equipped which delivers around 20,000 liter water per hour; The farm is divided into 11 camps with water; 3 Steel Cattle pens with 1 loading facility; Around 3 HA of irrigated lands for crops; Around 26 HA of arable dry land; 3 Concrete dams which holds around 60,000 liters of water; 18 HA of Game camp; 70 Mixed peach trees, Avocado and nut trees; Orange types and in production [Minola, Valencia & Navel] 400 trees.
Family home, flat and outside buildings are fenced with security fencing.
The farm is situated close to Zeerust. For R5 600 000-00